Call for Papers and Review Process
The International Committee invites prospective authors to submit full draft papers for presentation at the conference.
Papers will be accepted based on a formal review process. Accepted papers will be made accessible to the audience in electronic form. They will also be published with ISBN Number. A selected set of papers will be published in a Springer book, which will be available at the conference.
Some papers that are not published in the Springer Book can be published in one of the CEAS Journals - the CEAS Aeronautical or Space Journal. All unselected papers should be published on the new Aerospace Europe web platform (http://aerospace-europe.eu).
Every paper will be reviewed in compliance with good journal practices by at least two independent and anonymous reviewers.
Invited session proposals are solicited in any of the topic areas of the conference as well as in new or emerging technical areas. Papers in an invited session should form a cohesive focus on the relevant topic.