| Fees

In order to finalize the registration for the conference, please fill in the necessary data
for the conference service (eg invoice) - available after logging into your profile.

 The conference registration fee includes the attendance to the whole sessions, proceedings,
 all coffee breaks, lunches, welcome reception and the conference dinner.
 The conference book and the conference dinner are included for non-student registrations only.

Registration Fees
taxes included

Early Registration
until 15th March 2017

Late Registration
after 15th March 2017

Members of CEAS or AIAA € 470 / 2090 PLN € 520 / 2280 PLN
Non-Members € 520 / 2280 PLN € 570 / 2500 PLN
Students € 200 / 880 PLN € 250 / 1100 PLN


      Beneficiary: Warsaw University of Technology

      Title: Euro GNC 2017, Name and Surname of a participant

      Bank name: PEKAO S.A. IV O/W-wa

      Bank account number: PL84 1240 2092 9522 1132 0100 0000

      Swift code: PKOPPLPW